Brawl of The Objects is a Canadian animated web-series created, animated by, and starring the voice of Antony Kos and premiered on January 1, 2013 and ended on September 1, 2018 (5 years, 8 months / 2,068 days), on Anko6theAnimator's YouTube Channel.
The series centers around 14 sentient objects battling for an unknown grand prize in the form of many challenges. Controlly hosts the show. The objects are split up into two teams until a merge, the team that loses each episode is put for elimination. The viewers vote for which contestant on the losing team they want to be eliminated in the comments section. The contestant with the most votes to eliminated for is eliminated early in the following episode. This process repeats itself until there are only two contestants left who battle it out for the grand prize.
It was made because Controlly wanted to find Rook as shown in The Rook Explanation Video.
- Anko6theAnimator voices every contestant on the show, with the exception of Controlly and Shieldy (who is voiced by Nicholas), in every episode since the pilot.
- Brawl of The Objects was animated with Anime Studio Pro 8 through Episode 1 to 10, and was animated in Flash since episode 11.
- Episode 2: BOTO: The Video Game was delayed from its original release date of February 1, 2013 to March 1st, 2013 due to sibling rivalries.
- The show's plot is reminiscent of Total Drama Island and Battle For Dream Island.
- Episodes usually take a month to produce.
- The show uses a slightly different art style than most object shows, because of the fact that unlike other object shows, BOTO runs on Anime Studio Pro instead of Adobe Professional.
- In the final episode, Controlly says that the last BOTO contest had one finalist dead and one missing, and he is doing the contest again to find out where the missing finalist might be by backtracking.
- The show was called the perfect object show by WebzForevz.
- Anko6theAnimator: Creator, Animator, Voice Actor, Storyboard Artist
- Nicholas: Storyboard Artist, Voice Actor
Participant | Team | Status | Placing | ||||||||||||||||
Scissors | Chocolate | 1st Eliminated in The Ever Convenient Objects' Shopping Mall | 15th Place | Non-Merged | |||||||||||||||
Pear | Vanilla | 2nd Eliminated in BOTO's Next Star | 14th Place | ||||||||||||||||
Pizza | Chocolate |
Returns in Downhill Disasters 3rd Eliminated in Go, Battle Monster! | |||||||||||||||||
Pinecone | Vanilla | 4th Eliminated in A Treasured Welcome | 13th Place | ||||||||||||||||
Boombox | Vanilla | 5th Eliminated in Unprepared To Be Scared | 12th Place | ||||||||||||||||
Big Orange Chicken | Chocolate |
Debuts in A Treasured Welcome 6th Eliminated in Meet Your Match |
11th Place | ||||||||||||||||
Popsicley | Chocolate | 7th Eliminated in Downhill Disasters | 10th Place | ||||||||||||||||
Slurpy | Vanilla | 8th Eliminated in Unexpected Expedition | 9th Place | Merged | |||||||||||||||
Boat | Chocolate | 9th Eliminated in If You Can't Take The Heat | 8th Place | ||||||||||||||||
Chocolatey | Chocolate | 10th Eliminated in Rookie Mistakes | 7th Place | ||||||||||||||||
Baguette | Chocolate | 11th Eliminated in Rookie Mistakes | 6th Place | ||||||||||||||||
Hot Dog | Chocolate | 12th Eliminated inHow It All Ended | 5th Place | ||||||||||||||||
Pizza | Chocolate | 13th Eliminated in How It All Ended | 4th Place | ||||||||||||||||
Party Hat | Vanilla | 14th Eliminated in How It All Ended | 3rd Place | ||||||||||||||||
Shelly | Vanilla | Runner-Up in How It All Ended | 2nd Place | ||||||||||||||||
Shieldy | Vanilla | Winner in How It All Ended | 1st Place |